Parks & Recreation

According to the National Recreation & Park Association, nearly all local government officials believe that parks and recreational programming are essential to their communities. Funding parks can increase safety, improve economic development and public health, support schools and can also help increase revenues. But strained resources often end up leaving these departments with reduced budgets. Generating the needed funding to support and operate local parks comes from a variety of sources, including federal and state governments, as well as foundations and private partners. In addition, strategies to maintain vibrant and safer parks involve multiple stakeholders, including public safety and other local government departments, as well as community groups.

All 50 states and Washington, D.C., have declared a state of emergency; compare state actions to reduce the spread of the virus
A roundup of how local parks and recreation departments are helping residents stay both healthy and safe as the pandemic threatens communities
The CDC now recommends organizers cancel or postpone gatherings of 50 or more people for the next eight weeks
Lost wages affect thousands of federal employees during the 2018 government shutdown with many furloughed, while federal services, like NFIP, are suspended.
When floods overwhelmed Vernon County, Wisconsin, state game wardens responded alongside the local fire department to perform a series of flood rescues.
The 2018 Aetna Cultivating Healthy Communities Grants will award $2 million to fund programs that increase health and wellness initiatives for underserved communities.
In the United States, strawberry fields mean thriving economies, summer joy and potential to generate local revenues. Happy National Strawberry Parfait Day!
Coordination of policy and safety specialists deploy interventions that could reduce sexual harassment and assault incidents at concerts in public spaces.
The Davidson County Judge ruled that city of Memphis did not violate Tennessee law removing three Confederate statues from two city parks late last year.
It’s not often smart city projects are led by Park & Rec, but a smart asset management system has helped put the city of Arlington, Texas, on the smart city map.
A special event standby service in Nevada shares lessons learned from the Route 91 music festival shooting in Las Vegas through five pieces of advice that can improve the utility of an event’s standby service.
Concerts at public parks or on city property present many potential risks
The Food Truck Nation report reveals that being part of the food truck fiesta is easier in some cities than in others. Mobile kitchen vendors weigh in on how some local government permitting processes stall the burgeoning business.
Ellensburg, Washington, locals love their bike culture from the award-winning bike friendly infrastructure and policy to all the public events they can peddle to safely.
Bentonville, Arkansas, locals love their green space network designed in part for bike recreation, with a labyrinth of sculpture-dotted trails, gardens and a collection of world class art.
We wanted to hear why locals think their small cities, rated ‘coolest’ by travelers, are the best places to live, work and play. Ellensburg, Washington, and Bentonville, Arkansas, won.
Drone operators, in both public safety and outside of it, now have standards to follow in two key pieces of vetted guidance prepared by academics, industry and aviation organizations.
With their “Take a book, leave a book,” motto, 50,000+ Little Free Libraries encourage community engagement and seek to instill a love of learning in residents. Just check your local ordinances.
With budget cuts always a possibility, some cities have tried creative recreational programming for kids that raises parks revenues.