Sexual Assault Prevention Guide

We’ve compiled resources to help communities prevent incidence of sexual violence. A review of sexual assault statistics reveals why this is a community problem nationwide, affecting millions of American men, women, boys and girls.

We’ve included information on available trainings for various community groups, including public health professionals, educators, community leaders and businesses. There is also information about grants for sexual assault prevention, primers on common date rape drugs, news and insights into topics like, How Prevalent is Sexual Assault on College Campuses?

In North Carolina, one person killed each year in 2018 and in 2017 had a protective order in place at the time of their death. In 2016, six domestic violence-related homicide victims had protective orders
Many law enforcement agencies in small communities across the United States are facing questions about how aggressively they pursue reports of sexual violence
Research shows they fare better when police and community organizations coordinate assistance
Technology is helping to support victims of sexual violence in new ways and increase reporting sexual assault -- crimes which studies have found go largely unreported.
Start by Believing offers law enforcement agencies a kit for taking action to end the cycle of silence and increase engagement with sexual assault victims.
Making a silent call to 911 can get callers the specific public safety services they need and can address dangerous situations or help emergency callers with disabilities.
The DOJ grant-funded site provides resources to employers to support victims of workplace harassment and domestic violence. It was funded under VAWA, set to expire Dec. 7, 2018.
A new device offered by Undercover Colors can help drinkers eager to learn how to detect date rape drugs in their cocktails.
Coordination of policy and safety specialists deploy interventions that could reduce sexual harassment and assault incidents at concerts in public spaces.
The National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative recently hosted a live webinar, Key Considerations in Trauma-Informed Interviewing
‘Women with PTSD’ has been called a silent epidemic. If left untreated, it can lead to mental and physical illnesses and opioid abuse. Learn about treatments and community intervention opportunities.
The HBO documentary I am Evidence produced by Mariska Hargitay spotlights the efforts of Wayne County to end the Detroit region’s rape kit backlog.
The SAKI Toolkit is to help law enforcement, prosecutors, victim advocates, criminal justice professionals and others address rape kit backlog. It can be customized, and offers a workspace sharing platform.
The NIJ investigated 15 years of reports to prepare data about the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses.
An examination of recent mass shootings and links to domestic violence by One Love Foundation urges individuals at-risk for intimate partner violence to develop safety plans
A review of the latest and first state level sexual assault statistics by CDC and other organizations, and previous crime data from DOJ, reveal sexual violence is a widespread public safety and public health problem every community faces
The most common date rape drug is legal, and sexual assault that involves it varies under individual state consent laws.
Educating public health professionals, educators, students, adults and businesses on the principles of preventing sexual violence through numerous available training resources can help reduce incidence in communities.
Since roofies can be slipped into a drink or used to facilitate date rape or sexual assault, the drug carries Schedule 1 penalties