Sexual Assault Prevention Guide

We’ve compiled resources to help communities prevent incidence of sexual violence. A review of sexual assault statistics reveals why this is a community problem nationwide, affecting millions of American men, women, boys and girls.

We’ve included information on available trainings for various community groups, including public health professionals, educators, community leaders and businesses. There is also information about grants for sexual assault prevention, primers on common date rape drugs, news and insights into topics like, How Prevalent is Sexual Assault on College Campuses?

Inventors have tried coasters, cups, straws, nail polish and a smart device for detecting the presence of drugs. See which devices actually made it to market.
Tips on safely maintaining services for sexual assault survivors in today’s socially distanced world
As governments look for ways to continue to provide necessary services to domestic abuse victims, Uber and Lyft have come forward to lend helping hands
But there are several actions your community can take to minimize the risk and help get homeless citizens the protection they need
In North Carolina, one person killed each year in 2018 and in 2017 had a protective order in place at the time of their death. In 2016, six domestic violence-related homicide victims had protective orders
Many law enforcement agencies in small communities across the United States are facing questions about how aggressively they pursue reports of sexual violence
Research shows they fare better when police and community organizations coordinate assistance
Following these seven guidelines when documenting a sexual assault can help increase the odds the case is prosecuted and protect the authenticity of the victim’s narrative.
One of the most mentally and physically terrorizing crimes in the U.S. is also one of the most under-reported. Learn more about sexual assault in the U.S.
Disturbingly high numbers of domestic violence cases are serious enough to merit felony charges, but most of these offenders will never have to face such harsh consequences
Many domestic abusers isolate their victims from both financial and social resources as a means of control, leaving the ones who do escape in ruin
Learn why yes/no victim interview questions by police can set victims up for failure and potentially impede the progress of criminal cases
The latest research has shown that local governments may be ignoring the threats of human trafficking businesses that are right in front of them.
Minnesota’s Sex Trafficking Investigation and Training Grants can help police departments grow their sex crimes investigative capacity and train officers on or off-site.
Catherine Johnson, a former detective and subject matter expert on sexual violence, shares more than 10 best practices for improving sex crime investigations and public safety response to sexual assault and rape