Community Development

Community development can be defined as a process in which community members work together to develop solutions to shared problems. This can include anything from fixing up run-down neighborhoods, to increasing the supply of affordable housing, to improving access to educational and professional opportunities within the community. The bottom line is this: When communities collaborate to make their cities healthy and resilient, everyone wins.

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Novato Chief Bill Tyler said officials will work to ensure the facility has ample notification and warning systems to quickly stop potential fires from spreading
Recently passed legislation promises local government leaders with new funding opportunities in the coming months … and the coming years
Mayor Ron Nirenberg and a majority of City Council members have said they’re open to re-examining how much the city spends on the Police Department
During a virtual meeting of the Big City Mayors coalition, mayors from cities across California discussed homelessness solutions as well as police reform strategies going forward
By employing interventions that acknowledge the power of place, the country can mitigate harm from the current epidemic and help create more just, healthy and resilient communities
The Los Angeles Times’ Editorial Board shares strategies that could help governments across the country stave off a major pandemic-related housing crisis
During a recent Cities of Service webinar, local leaders came together to discuss strategies for overcoming food insecurities exacerbated by COVID-19
The projected $2.5 billion raised over the next decade will be devoted to services including rent assistance, case management and outreach, job training, and mental health and substance abuse treatment
Durham, N.C. looks to a future of shared economic prosperity while facing COVID-19 and a malware attack
According to The Reser Family Foundation, “when communities of every size do well, our state becomes stronger.”
Jason Silva shares preservation, sustainability and transportation initiatives, and his biggest challenge.
After historic flooding pummeled much of the town in 2016, White Sulphur Springs has been making a come back.
But if climate change got real in 2019, climate resilience got realer
Though often short on details, which presumably will come later, Brown outlined a variety of proposals to make Buffalo a technology-savvy, inclusive community.
Berkeley’s idea is the latest creative solution proposed to ease California’s housing crisis, which would give renters “the first refusal and right to purchase” when their apartment buildings or rented homes are put on the market.
A bill working its way through the Alabama Legislature seeks to limit city governments’ use of occupational taxes to address revenue shortfalls
Chicago’s Neighborhood Opportunity Fund will help finance commercial and cultural small business projects in the city’s West, Southwest and South Sides
The new initiative is inspired by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s approach to finding homes for people suddenly displaced by hurricanes.