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GovGrantsHelp Staff

Local Gov Grants

Tips and resources to help local governments obtain grant funding.

Follow these steps for executing an MOU for your department or agency to receive grant funding
COPS School Violence Prevention Program grants provide funding for law enforcement coordination, notification technology and violence-deterrent methods.
More than 75 percent of those asked said that more than 50 percent of their grant work is submitted via an online applications system.
The new calendar year is here. If you haven’t already taken time to finalize your 2016 grant calendar or prepare your 2016 grant seeking strategy as I suggested at the end of the year, it is never too late to get your pre-planning and strategy in order
The tips below apply to all organizations, regardless of your fiscal year, but are very timely to consider now for those who are currently wrapping up the current fiscal year and anticipating the start of a new year on January 1st
After you celebrate with your grant team over the new award, it is time to get serious about what you need to do to accept and begin implementing the grant.
The numerous factors for being a strong applicant boil down to two key areas: (1) Being Grant Ready and (2) Writing A Competitive Application
The application has been submitted, and now the waiting begins. Government grants often mean LONG waiting periods with your application pending
How can you go about determining if your community is a good fit for consideration as a designated Promise Zone?
Federal funds are often used by grantees to purchase equipment as a part of their funded program or project. Read about the new changes to funding rules