Humans of HUD: Video Blog Series Showcases Success Stories

Through this series of personal portraits and interviews, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has created a window into the lives of America’s most vulnerable populations.


WASHINGTON -- Last week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) launched the latest story in the “Humans of HUD” campaign, which features photos and videos of individuals who have overcome hardships with assistance from HUD.

DaeJanae Day, a first-year graduate student, a new mother and a former resident of Promise Place in Prince George’s County, Maryland, spoke of how HUD-funded programs helped her continue going to school and ensured she had a safe place to call home. She aspires to someday be in a position to help other youth who have experienced homelessness.

Stay strong. Whatever dreams you have, do it. Nothing can stop you in this world except for you and your mind, especially if you’re a mother. Now you’ll have somebody looking up to you,” said DaeJanae when asked what advice she would give to others in the same situation.

“Homelessness does not define who you are,” she continued.

Humans of HUD is a photoblog and videoblog dedicated to documenting the journeys of people who are impacted by the Department’s programs and services. The inspiring collection of photos and stories are part of an ongoing, intimate conversation with everyday Americans who are working to overcome homelessness, drug addiction, natural disasters, among other challenges.

Individuals interested in sharing their story with Humans of HUD can submit it to

Through this series of personal portraits and interviews, HUD has created a window into the lives of America’s most vulnerable populations. The series will be featured regularly on HUD’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, and archived on

Listen to other Humans of HUD stories on HUD’s YouTube channel.