California Emergency Management & Disaster Planning Grant

The EMPG, an emergency preparedness and disaster planning grant, seeks to address critical risk areas of natural and man-made crises.


California emergency management agencies are now eligible to apply for the state’s Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), a disaster planning grant, the funds from which should be used to bolster emergency preparedness.

The EMPG program is operated from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), and encourages a focus on critical areas determined by the National Preparedness Goals:

In a foreword included in the 2018 fiscal year program announcement, Cal OES Director Mark S. Ghilarducci lauded the disaster planning grant as a way for the state’s first responders and emergency workers to stay ahead of the curve.

As California’s emergency management professionals, it’s up to us to stay integral in our emergency management role if we are to remain robust, resilient, and forward-leaning to combat the ever-expanding list of hazards we face,” the statement read.
Disaster Planning Grant Requirements

Recipients of the EMPG will need to match the grant dollar-for-dollar, and must use the funds to supplement, not replace, disaster planning and emergency preparedness budgets and projects.

Previous EMPG disaster planning grant recipients have used the funds to purchase equipment, build emergency operation hubs and update planning technology, such as the newly updated Cal OES State Operations Center.

The EMPG, a disaster planning grant, helped fund the newly-updated Cal OES State Operations Center.

Image: Cal OES

The deadline to apply for the EMPG is Nov. 16.

For information on how to apply, read the Cal OES fiscal year 2018 EMPG program guide: