On-Demand Webinar: Connectivity is key to safer personnel and communities

Learn about the state of public safety and how your agency can best plan for short- and long-term operational challenges

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Webinar sponsored by Cradlepoint

2020 was a year like none other for public safety personnel on the front lines with smaller numbers and more demands and challenges than ever before. To meet the need now and in the future, agencies have been cramming years’ worth of digital transformation into mere months, as they work to improve both personnel and community safety and transparency through connected technologies.

In this virtual discussion, Nick Bruckner, corporate vice president of sales for Lexipol Digital Media Communities, will discuss the results of our 2020 survey exploring connected technology trends in public safety along with Todd Krautkremer, Cradlepoint CMO, and Eric K. Brumm, Chief Information Technology Architect, City of Glendale, California.

Register below to watch this video on demand to learn:

  • Where dedicated public safety networks and other market drivers are accelerating adoption of new technology.
  • Best practices and real-world applications of connected technology from a leading government agency.
  • Evaluation criteria public agencies use when planning for new technology investment to ensure ROI and scale.
  • Practical advice to overcome the main barriers preventing adoption of critical communication technology, including budget restrictions.


Eric K. Brumm, Chief Information Technology Architect, City of Glendale, California

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Erik ensures IT infrastructure delivery for the city of Glendale is cost-effective, timely, high quality, secure, sustainable and scalable. His team leads city-wide technology initiatives, projects, programs and monitoring of IT owned or operated on behalf of the city. Erik has led numerous modernization efforts from core data networking to enterprise, data center and telecommunications. Previously, he was the Senior Manager of Information Technology Operations at DIRECTV and Director of Internet Operations at Walt Disney Company.

Todd Krautkremer, Chief Marketing Officer, Cradlepoint



Todd has more than 30 years of tech executive experience within startup, early-stage, and growth-stage companies focused on wired and wireless networking, security, and cloud technologies. Prior to Cradlepoint, he was CMO at Pertino (acquired by Cradlepoint in 2015), a pioneer in software-defined cloud networking.


Nick Bruckner, Corp. Vice President of Sales, Police1

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Nick Bruckner oversees the day-to-day sales strategy and growth for Police1. Previously, Nick served as executive vice president, marketing platform at Praetorian Digital. In these roles, Nick has over 15 years of revenue growth leadership and personally secured some of the largest agreements on record with brands like Verizon and GP.

Make an Impact! With your viewership, Cradlepoint is donating up to $5,000 to the First Responder Children’s Foundation to provide aid to families. This funding can be used for PPE, financial grants and temporary housing to address hardships and stem the spread of COVID-19 infections among first responders, front-line workers and the communities they serve.

Complete form to watch this discussion on demand: