Gov1 News

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The move would change marijuana from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD, to a Schedule III drug, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids
Just by boosting your cardiorespiratory fitness by one metabolic equivalent, you can lower your risk of death by 11-17%
The Blackman-Leoni Township Department of Public Safety will be receiving a new Rosenbauer Fire Apparatus using funds from Michigan’s Marijuana Excise Tax
“I hope by inviting a current 911 dispatcher, I am able to bring awareness to this important issue and my bill, the 911 Saves Act to finally give them the recognition and resources they need and deserve,” Rep. Norma Torres said
Inspectors found several eased space sites across the state failed inspections in the aftermath of the Nov. freeway fire
The new Forensic Services Laboratory 117,672 square feet of office and lab space; its 152 staffers work with the nearly 300 law enforcement agencies in the state
San Francisco Police Department leaders and city officials expect to launch the task force in the spring of 2024 to investigate opioid deaths and illicit drug operations as potential homicide cases
Portland saw a record number of fatalities in the homeless population due to drug overdoses
Painesville Fire Chief Tom Hummel said the powered chairs will reduce the risk of back and shoulder injuries
Lower Merion Township officials increased the qualifying property tax credit to 100 percent
The abandoned Lexington school will provide training for active shooter situations and other emergencies
Prevention, increased demands and community awareness are what the Woodland Fire Department will address over five years
A change in Washington state law now requires the bailiffs to have an active commission through the state Criminal Justice Training Commission and to pass a background check