Gov1 News

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The move would change marijuana from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD, to a Schedule III drug, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids
Just by boosting your cardiorespiratory fitness by one metabolic equivalent, you can lower your risk of death by 11-17%
The Blackman-Leoni Township Department of Public Safety will be receiving a new Rosenbauer Fire Apparatus using funds from Michigan’s Marijuana Excise Tax
The abandoned Lexington school will provide training for active shooter situations and other emergencies
Prevention, increased demands and community awareness are what the Woodland Fire Department will address over five years
A change in Washington state law now requires the bailiffs to have an active commission through the state Criminal Justice Training Commission and to pass a background check
The move follows the quiet release of a convicted murderer more than a decade before the end of his sentence when a state judge approved a court order right before he retired
Artificial intelligence is being tested to see how it can answer non-emergency calls, reducing dispatchers’ workload
State law allows cannabis use during off-hours for every profession, but Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop believes that there should be an exception for cops
Costa Mesa firefighters, Project Independence members gave disaster preparedness training to adults living with intellectual disabilities
Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh told the online retailer the city has experienced 14 fire deaths to date caused by lithium-ion batteries
Anchorage will allow most employees to use marijuana off the clock, but not work for the city within eight hours of using marijuana
U.S. Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell presided over the event that focused on current problems in the fire service