
As our colleagues over at explain, grants can be a boon for cash-strapped local government agencies looking to expand or maintain their capabilities. Under the Gov1 Grants topic, we feature funding opportunities from both governmental and private sources as well as success stories of how this hard-earned funding has enabled safer, healthier and all around more resilient communities.

Philadelphia is receiving $22.4 million to pay for 72 firefighters’ salaries and benefits for three years, President Joe Biden announced
What makes it difficult to guarantee communications access to local government operations – and what technologies are available to help?
Three Wilkes-Barre Housing Authority high-rises will be outfitted with sprinklers by the summer of 2024
The grant, awarded by the Department of Justice’s Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services, will go toward funding contracted social workers and training members within the unit
Education grant writers and managers, do your research now to prepare for the funding available in the FY 2023 U.S. Department of Education budget
The bill will help PDs adopt de-escalation training when encountering individuals with mental health issues in an effort to reduce officer-involved fatalities
12 to 14 new cells will be used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infections, or for any other medical reason requiring an inmate to be isolated
The interactive dashboard provides daily updates and summary information about the current inmate population
A Hackensack spokesman said the application mistakenly called for funding for 12 firefighters, not the five positions the city council approved
Learn about education grant-funding opportunities to keep students safe and healthy now and in the coming years
Agencies have substantial discretion to spend money in ways that best suit the needs of constituents. Some of the ways might surprise you.
The RMUC program goal is to enhance the security posture of rural, municipal and small investor-owned electric utilities
Priority would be given to applicants whose proposals will expand coverage, improve response times, and help organizations provide medical transport and services
“Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape” teaches simple, but important actions to safe from home and school fires
$185 million in formula-based funding is available to boost local government resilience to cyberattacks
There are many organizations and funders that focus on school advocacy and literacy grants
Troy Fire Chief Eric McMahon: “This grant will fund the training of firefighters to the level of paramedic. This funding could not have come at a better time”
These grants benefit libraries and librarians as they help provide access to information through literature and non-fiction
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration grant seeks to improve employment opportunities and reduce recidivism of adults reentering the workforce after incarceration