Why the 4Cs are What Grant Application Reviewers Want

Columnist Judy Riffle advises grant writers to ensure clarity, conciseness, cohesiveness and compelling argument in grant applications.


I have served on six federal grant review committees, all valuable learning experiences. Serving on a grant review committee is hard work, and reviewers often end up scratching their heads while reading proposals. It is a grant writer’s job to make it easier for reviewers to get through a stack of grant proposals without too much stress or groans. Since grant reviewers are not mind readers, create a clear, concise, cohesive and compelling proposal. Carnac the Magnificent (Johnny Carson mind reading skit) is not one of the 4Cs or the elusive fifth C.

The following tips will strengthen your grant writing skills.

  • Be clear
  • Be concise
  • Be cohesive
  • Be compelling

Carnac the Magnificent bestows the gift of the 4C’s upon you. Reading your mind is not a required skill of reviewers.

Read the tips on the EducationGrantsHelp website.

Andrea Fox is Editor of Gov1.com and Senior Editor at Lexipol. She is based in Massachusetts.