Raleigh Needs to Expand Housing by Building Closer and Higher

Nicole Stewart is an at-large member of the Raleigh City Council. Like many parts of the country, the Triangle region of North Carolina is experiencing an increasingly worrisome shortage of affordable housing options for its diverse population. Stewart is working hard to help the city overcome this challenge.


The News & Observer

By Nicole Stewart, Raleigh City Council

When I took office in 2017, I was encouraged to sit down with former Mayor Smedes York. I hesitated because I knew York only by reputation as a “big developer.” But, having received the advice from a mentor, I sent York an email. He promptly responded and we met for coffee. York treated me as an equal, and waxed on poetically about Raleigh’s history and lessons he’s learned throughout his years. While we covered many topics, one take-away continues to resonate, particularly when we talk about housing.

The only constant Raleigh has ever known is change,” York told me.

As we look to build a better future, it’s important to recognize that our housing has changed throughout the last century. That’s why it’s so important that we evaluate our current options and work to provide housing that’s affordable for many different people, from our older residents looking to remain in their homes to young people starting their first jobs and families.

Get the rest of Stewart’s insight at NewsObserver.com.