W.Va. college’s EMS program gets training mannequin that gives birth

West Virginia Northern Community College also received a mobile ambulance simulator


Photo/HealthNet Aeromedical Services

By Leila Merrill
EMS1 Staff

WHEELING, W.Va. — HealthNet Aeromedical Services Director of Education Nick Cooper delivered a mobile ambulance simulator to West Virginia Northern Community College and said everything is covered, including gas cards, WTRF reported.

The training truck includes a mannequin that gives birth.

“We can put in IVs, he will cry. We can put in a catheter. He can urinate. There’s blood. We can make him bleed. He can seize, talk, blink eyes,” Cooper said.


“I didn’t think I’d see anything like this, anywhere,” said Northern’s EMS Director Linda Steele.

The training equipment is funded by Gov. Jim Justice’s initiative to bolster the state’s EMS workforce.

The college’s EMS program is 1.5 years old. It had 14 students this semester and is on track to see 26 next semester.
