2019 Crime Gun Intelligence Grants to Help Police Reduce Violent Crime

The Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Grants encourage collaboration between local governments and ATF agencies.


Applications are now being accepted for the Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration (CGIC) Initiative, a competitive grant offered through the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in collaboration with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The crime gun intelligence grants initiative was created to assist local and state governments where an increase in gun violence is documented in working with their local ATF agencies to reduce violent crime and illegal firearms within their jurisdictions.

Eight grants will be awarded by the BJA, each worth $750,000, for a total of $6 million for the entire initiative.

Priority will be given to applicants with:

  • High volumes of non-fatal shootings
  • High volumes of homicides
  • Demonstrated strong partnerships, including tribes and sheriff’s offices

Recipients will work to integrate CGIC business practices that include interagency collaboration, focused on the immediate collection, management and analysis of crime gun evidence.


Crime Gun Intelligence Grants Deliverables

Each recipient must provide the following eight items at the end of their grant period:

#1. Collaborative working group: The CGIC integration team includes representatives from ATF, local police, probation and parole, prosecuting attorneys, USAO, local crime laboratory, crime analysts, community groups and academic organizations.

#2. CGIC business process: The process will utilize National Integrated Ballistic Information Network and crime gun tracing through eTrace.

#3. Dedicated staff: The staff will support effective investigations and prosecutions of violent crimes.

#4 Comprehensive training program: The program will provide criminal justice partners with the skills necessary to effectively investigate and prosecute gun crime.

#5. Violent crime prevention strategies: These will be created in collaboration with community and non-governmental organizations.

#6. Improved response to gunshots fired: This can be achieved using gunshot detection system technologies.

#7. Performance Data: This collection should reinforce the CGIC objective.

#8. Analysis report: The final report should describe the program’s implementation and outcomes.

Apply online at grants.gov for a Local Law Enforcement CGIC Initiative grant.

Applications are due by June 11.