Village of Obetz, OH launches SeeClickFix to 4,500+


Obetz residents can now report issues like potholes, blocked storm drains, and parks & facilities requests directly to Village Hall. They can also use the SeeClickFix app to see what their neighbors have reported, receive notifications about important information from the Village and access resident resources.

“We are really excited about the tracking and recording capabilities. We are also excited about the community involvement that this project will bring. Obetz already deals with taking reports from residents and assigning the project to the right department, but it’s not in a centralized location. SeeClickFix will allow us to streamline the whole process of dealing with reported issues. We will be able to communicate with residents directly, have internal communication between departments, and assign issues to the correct department all in one place.” — Jacob Gifford, Public Information Officer for the Village of Obetz

Gifford hopes that offering SeeClickFix to residents will, “allow Village officials to have a faster and easier way of communicating with residents directly, and residents will now have a very simple way to report issues. It will also allow officials to solve issues faster, which will (hopefully) result in a happier community.”

Requests can be submitted via the Village’s website and through the SeeClickFix mobile app for Android or iOS.

Obetz, OH is the 5th SeeClickFix partner in the state of Ohio. Since signing up with SeeClickFix, Village officials have managed to engage, involve and train several departments to get the program up and running for residents in less than 3 months. We’re excited to see what’s in store for the Village of Obetz!